Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ESTABLlbHZD A. D. 1S63. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKEHY and lUE P^LO^ F. HORN. Pboprietob. PRACTICAL Confeetioner I Oiuanieiik In 0.11 brancbes of the bnsin6ss on these islands. AMEEIOAN, FRENCH. ENGLISH AND GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE T0 ORDER. Weddiqg \ BiPlh-dasJ Matle of the very best raaterial, unsurpassed in richness of quali ty and ornamentedin umipproacha'ble stvle. at lower prices than anv other establishraent in Honolulu. Famiiy \ FanoiJ B?ead, Guava Jelly, Presened Tamarinds and Taraarind Syrnp. ALL CONFECTIONERY Manufactured at ray Establishment are Guaranteed t~> be Positively Puke and sold at prices no other establisbmeut ean compete witb. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Between Nuuanu and F«'rt Streels BOTH TELEPHONES No. 74. ī(amehameliagdiool CELEBRATES HER Founder’s - Day ON TUE8DAY, ■ DEC. 19, 1893 SPEECHES in HAWAIIAN by wtll known Hawaiians. A BATALMON DRILL bv the School Boys, Music by Kamehameha Cadet Band. LUNCHES provided on the Grounds for all, and the Boys will close the dav with SPORTS. Tbe day is a Hawaiian one, and the School particularly desire Hawaiians to be preseut. The Boys will make you weleome Esercises frora 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. de!2 lw POUND MASTER'S NOTiCE. Notice is hereby giren to a!l persons, that there is at the GoTernment Pound at ilakiki. the following 4 strayed cows and 2 horse» : 1 Red eow. brand indescribable on nght hip. _ .. •a <• • • it* spot on the forehead. ,Iare. white spot on forehcad, brand ewnhahle. Uiilion, white spot «n forehead, brShdon the lefl hip. [■ person or p*tw>n« owning tbese and horses, are reqnested to eo'i.e acd fce satue on or before 12 o eloek noon TUBDAY, Dee. Zlnl, 1896. JAMES KUKONA, Poond Muster. kiki, Dee. 12. 18£«. No.7Mw . JOBBEB OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and |Betbel streets.