Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 December 1893 — THE ALBU CONCERT. [ARTICLE]


Another large audience greeted the Misses Aibu last eveiiing. It wuuid be difticult for us fi make any epeeial reference to any one pieee on the progratnme, l>ecause they were ail sosp!endidly and charmingly rendered. The intonation of their voices and distinctness of oronunciation was perfect. Every number on the programme received an outburst of applanse, whieh was answered by another song. A g>*ntleraan made the remark after last evening’s concert, “it seetrs mean to have the young ladies brougat back on the stage *after every song,’ but, what are you going to do. how is one to show their appreciation?” Tomorrow evening’s programme will eonlain the foilowing pieces: “Good Rye” (Toeti) “Tell me my he»rt” “H Racio” “When the Meart is Young.”— (Dudley Ruck). Duels —“Oh Rememhranza,” from the opcra of Xortaa. and **Ye Ranks and Braea,” (es(>ecially arranged).