Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Griiiis lor Sale A lot of RIFLES and AM5IUNITION ean be pcrch»seti from EX-P.-G.’s at a reasonable rate. No bill of warraatee will be issned tho«gh. The nnrnbers of the GUNS correspond with the register of the P. G. No. 4‘i. HdLOXVi. Office. WANTED. A gentle BUGGT HORSE for Family nse. report to TRACY’8 Store on K ing street. next dtn)r from Holomua office, o-i Thnrsdars and Fridays. del4 5w ī(amehamehagdiool CELEBRATES HER Founder s - Day ox TUE80AY, - DEC. 19, 1893 SPEECHES in HAWAIIA.N bv well kuowa Hawaiians. A BATALLIGN DRILL bv the School Boys, Music by Kamehamoha Cadet Band. LUNCHES provided 011 tho Grounds for all, and the Boys will close the day with SPORTS. The day is a Hnwaiian one, and the School pariicnlarly desire Hawaiiaus to be preseni. The Boys will make yon weleome Exercises from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Jel2 lw II- DBE, JOBnEK OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort and Bethel s*reets. Christmas Presenfs The nndersigned bog leave to eall the attention to a large assortment of tastefnl and eiegant Jewelry, suitable for Chii.stmas Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent sizes. lTawaiian Jewelry, a specialty. If yon want to bny an elegant and at the same time an inexpensive Cbristmas Present. eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. LIND SAY, Melnerny Block. Fort 8t.Honoln!» deci tf Y okoliama Bazaar, Corner Nuuann HoteI sts. Just Received a New Lot of JAPiHESE FANCY G00D8 FOB Xmas Presents SILK HANDKERCHIEF8. COTTON CHAPE of DJftrent gntdes Straw Hats. Ti>ys, ie. de9