Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

|JUST ARRIVED, ? ; v Baby Cairiages 0F ALL STYLES, IN THE LATEST PA'ITERSS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sevving Machines Ham> SE’ATNG Maohises, AA ith the Latest īaipr'>venients’^~3 PAHLOK Organs, Quitars, And Other Mnaml Int>tmnients. Wines, I.iquors, Beer ALWAT8 0X HAND, AND FOR SALF BY ED. H0FFSCHL1EGER i 00. Kicg St„ rppo. C;it,Ue A eooke’». • flatioiial Inon 'mM Stbf.kt, Botween Alakea & Kichard St«, TI!E UN’PL1!SI(«NED are prepared to m.ike rll kinda of Irou l!ra-v,. Bit'nzr, Zinc, 1iu and Lead C«stings. Alao % Genera! Repsir Shop for Si .un Engine», Kiee Mi!Is. Corn N!ills, W»ter WMs, Wind Milla, etc. MacLiues for tLe eieanin-: of Coffec, Casf )r Oils,_Be«as, liamie, Sisal, PiaeappL Leaves A otbrr Pii ninH Plants, And Pi»(>er Stock> Also Maehinen for Extnct.'ng Starch from the Manioe, Airuw R»ot, etc. AU 0>ders proDi])tiy attem)e<) to. WHITE, KITMAN <f\ CO. Long Branch BATHIN G Establishment. This First-elasf! Bt>thing Rcsort has been enlargorl aml is now open to the j uhlie. It is the best plaee oo tbe is!ards to enjov a bath and there is no better plaee to lay ott‘. Sf eeial aeeom1 mu<lations for Ladif s. Traraear8 paas the door evon half bourand on Satnrdays and Sundays every fifteen minatea. e. J. SHEPWOOD Proprietor. i KW0HG S1NG CH0NG & G0. i ; CC23-tX3LCtOr i <33 ZBuLild.ex Il J ainting, &c. % ’ I 12-' "W e also keep on hand Bel stēads. Mattrassēs. Tables, Boo^cases. I Mirrors, Etc„ AT 7HĒ LOWEST ¥ARKET ?RICĒS » Xo. 216 Kiog at. Honolulu de4 3m