Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The shop-koepers look pale. The W. G. Hall iscoraiirg iu as we go to press. The Advisory Coudc51 went into sessiou shortly after the eall of Minister Willis. The white poliee “is now on duty.” Very few chickens were iuissed last night. Tbe pnhlie are invited to see HoIy "Willie tlood down Fort Street, in the bloody, red blood. Minister Willis called this afternoon at the Palaee and interviewed the Execntive Conncil. His visited lasted about fifteeu I minutes. A numberof foreigners formerly in the emp!oy of the poliee have resigned heeauee they refused t<> carry arms against the troops of the Unitetl State?. Couldu’t the Advertiser furnish us with the names of the polieemen who wanted to ‘*go back ?” The Advertiser’s veracity is to sav the least —dved. • • The marines from the Ohampion will probably land to night or to-morrow morning. The marines from the Naniwa will land when they are ordered to do so. The MLsses Albu will delight the pnhlie «g*in on Thnrsday night. The concert will be given at the Kawaiahao Church. We hope that the next time the artists nppear here they will enjoy the genial. hospitable and entercaiuiug time whieh has always been characterīstic of the monarchy.