Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.wa.ii HOLO^UA IS PCBLISHED JEvery Afternoon EXCEPT SCKDAT BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St. (Tbomas block), Honolala, H. I. SU3SCSIPTT0N. per Honth, 50 Cts. The p*per delirere<! by CamerB in the town an<l *abarb*. Single Copies far Sale •t the News Denlere «nd at the Ofl5ce of pablication. EOMUNO NORR!E, - • Editor A3RAHAM FERNANDEZ, - Manager NOTICE. AU Kniiineiw Comaiur.ication« shonld be addressed to AbrahHm Femandez, Honolulu, H. I. Correspondence and Communications for publication sbonld be addres.sed to the Editor Hawaii Holomna. No noiiee will be paid to auv anonymous comainnications. (fard$ A. P. PETERSON, ATTOHXEY AT LAW. Ofl5oe: 113 Kaahnmana Street, Honolnlu Hawaiiaa Islauds. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORXEY at law. Ofl5ce; 113JKaahumana Street, Houoluln Hnwaiiau Islau<ls. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORXEY at law. 314 Merchant Street. Honoluln, Muiuul Telephone 415. CL.ARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORXEY axd couxsellor at LAW. Office. 01d CapitoI Building, (Honoinln Uale), adjoining Post Office, Hoaolnln. J. M. DAVIDSON, ; ■ : ATTORNEY at law, 306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. 180, Re$ideuce 67. A. ROSA, attokxey at law, No. 10 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawuiian Islauds. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, attorxey at law, Office, corner King A Bethel Sts. F. H. REDWARD, COXTRACTOE axd BUILDER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. < DR. McLENN A N, 131 Fort Street. Offioe Houre; 9 A.U. u> 12 M.: 3 to 5 P.M. Tel. 6S2-MrrrAD-Besidenoe TeL 2S7. LEWIS J. LEYEr, Real Estate aud Geoeral Auctioneer. Cortter Fon and Qoaea Streete, Honolnla Personal attenti<m g ven to Sates of Faruiture, Real Estate, Stock and Generai Merchandise. Matual Teiephoae 338.