Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — THE VIS TING NIGUTINGALES. [ARTICLE]


The Misses Albu Again to Carol. The audiences whieh have been entertained by the Misses Albu at the Hawaiian Opera Honse, will have opportnnity to. agaiu hear these two sweet singers as tbey are annoanced to give a eoncert in that large and spacious edifice the Kawaiahao Chureh. Tbe proceeds from the coneert is advertised to go to the aid of tfce Kawaiuhao Cbarch fand. The professional and artistic qualifications of the Misses Albu as preseuted in the past to the publie, have so well won them public confidence and favor that the forthcoming opportanity of onee more Iistening to their birdlike voices and eleai’ annnciation sbonld be improved by such an attendance within the portals of the spacioos Church as will gladden the bearts of the singers and add ducats to the fund of the Kawaiahao Cburch. The eoncert is proposed to take plaee ou Tharsday next, December 28th, and opportanity is now given to inspect tho plan aud purchase tickets at Mr. L. J. Levey’s plaee of busiuess.