Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<5mrral 6. W. ■ACFABLAKE l C0„ Importers & Commission MERCHANTS, Honolnlu, - Hawaiiae Islands THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing\ Jcutler and WatchmaJcrr, Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St.. Honohiln. HARK1S0N BR0S., t3T COXTRACTORS AND BU1LDERS, 208 Fort St., Honolulu. “FAT BOY.” 8AL00N I P. McINERXY, I-'kopkieīok, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cornek Bethel am> Hotex. Sts. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer anel Commission Merchant. SPECIAI,TIES: J. & P. Coats’ Maehine Thread Jouaa Brooka' Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Liuen Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 35S. Mnlual Telephone 356 13 Kaahuniann Street. Empire Saloon, ,JAMES OLDS, Pkopkheīok. Fine Wine& Liqooi% Eeei 1 , ALWAYS on hand, Comer Nuuann and Hotel Streets W0 GHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Thomas’ Eloek, next door to Holoeuua odice. » Aii Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STTLR Ciothes CIeaued and Repaired. no27 SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. Fiist-Class Aeeoiomodation for Toorists and Isiand Guests. §/JPERlOR BATHIHG FAClLmES, Private Cotiages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON, oct9 Manager. ‘