Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 85, 28 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold ourseIres responsib!e Ior the opinions or the ntteranoes of our correspondent8.] Ei>itor Holomua: A3 an Amenean citizen who is temporarily residing in Honolnln (and who has not bartered his citizenship for a visionary mess pottage). I wish to enter a vig rous protest against the editorial in the Star of Satarday the 23rd inst. headed, “The Sngar Trnst Induence.” Mr. 61uunt is now a private citizen as far H.iwaii is concerned. The editorial a8sassin of the Star would not dare to pnblish such a libel on the gentleman were he within reaching distance. Mr. BU>unt’s reputation for the past 30 years in Congress is a sufficient vindication of his character as a man of hcnor. I consider Minister Willia has been grossiy insnited as the represent«tive of the President and the American people, also overy A;aor:can officer and man on the U. S. S. Philadelphia and Adams as tbe President of the U. S. is the commander-in-chief of the U. S. navy. The article in question has overshot the mark and will produce a revulsion of feeling in ihe breasts of all fair minded

men, ami will act as a boomemng on the P. G. For, no matter how high party feeling m»v rnn during a poliiieal campaign in tbo U. S. no party orgau wo«ld tk*scend to such low blackgu»rdism jvs the cow.»rdly wtiter of tbe Star has done. when the great eredit ht<>bi(itr aud whiskey frauds wereoecnpving the atteotiou of the worM; when personaI frisnds of Grant even metubers of Lis eahiuei wt re snspected, th« neven the nn st rabid Democratīc paj>er never hinte<l or assorted thnt Grant h d directlv or indirectlv profit*?d by it. Hiul the fellow of the “Star“ written tbnt libel in the U. S., he would ere tliis have been treated to a large and elegant dose of tar nnd fenthers for no matter howsevere criticism lead fhe partv press in the U. S. may indulge in to*ards the Executive, they will not tolerate it iu an alien orgnn like the “Star.’ And this renegade Amenean of the “Star“ has tbe snpreme assurance in the same issue to pnblish the sedition law. and to hold np his hands in vivtuous indignation. and demand tha sappression of the Holomua. Yo Gods wbat a sight for hone?! men to witness; here tbe P. G. bas for thelastyear been trying by evory legitimate and illegitinmte raeans to gain admissi n to the Amenean Union. I ask any decent man to re-read the articlea in both pape rs in the past f<*w months, and see whieh is the raost seditious. I wonhl lik* to know ju>t as a matter of curiosity where the editor of tlie Star sorved his appenticeship in j(>urn«Iism. Was it in the Unittd States or in Hnssia. They sav “Darkest Russia but according to tho Star we ought to say “Darkest Hawaii.'* I should suggest that while they are about it the backers of tlie Star establish a censorship of the mail and introduce tbe “knont” for those who difier politically from it. A SON OF THE GoLDE\ WesT.