Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Jn$utan u 51otuf$. , Life & Marine -*INSURANCE*~ II\HTF9RI> FIRE ISSDRANCE C0., Assets, $7,109,825.49 LONDOX LANCHASHIRE F1KE 1N&. CO., Assets, $4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARISE lNb. <>0.. Assets, $6,124.05/ .00 NEW YORR LIFE 1NS. CO., Assets, $137.499.198.99 C. O. General Agent for Hawaiian lslands, Honolulu, H. I. NOTlCE. The undersigaed has received from the Eustern Stales, The Largest Single Order . 0 f Billiard Material ever imported to the Isl«nds. It conclndes as īollowa; • Clotb r 3 grades; Cues, Hsssorted; ... Cushions, [by Block. pateutj. Billiard Balls, Composition »nd lvon , Pool, ? with leHthers. and fnnge Pocke°t™ ettiugs, fringe and leatber«, Rnbber covers; Court Pl»ster, green and blacK, Ne\v stvle ehalk holders, Shake b»lls and leather bottles; Pool pins: Markers, etc., etc. The »bore gO‘«ls h»ve heen purch»sed »t aud the undersigned is now prep.ire kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK „t re»son»ble r»tes with di„p»teh Also ne.>nd<s«ond hand Bi!liard »nd Pool T»bles lor Sale. Please apply to <J- P* BOWEN, piease app > Hote , S t. Honolnln

H* E, <%; Bf^o, importers and dealers IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed KAST CORNER FORT & KINO STS. NEW G00DS RECE1VED Bv everv Packet frora the EasternState3 aml Europ«. ’ Fresh California Produce by ever5’ steamer. All Orilers f»ithfally attend.d to, «nd Goode delirered to “tXd oS£SL**- °tēatisfaetion gn,ranteed. v . Tfxephose No. 92. Poarr Office Box No. 146. Holomua Publisliiiig Co., PCBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAll * < HOLOMUA,” \ Joornal issued 1 >ail j 9 <Snndav excepted) \ • r Vni?lish lanenaee. and pledged in polic\ to 8np|Tort ll * D PbIvi?eges of the Haw uian the the l»borin, men. nnd good ,od honeet Ooeemajent for tbe wh le country. .1013 PBINTERS All Books and Job Pkistisg neatly execoted at »hort noliee and at moderate.figares. B1LL HEADS. LETTER HEADS, CARDS. POSTERS. etc.. Finished in Fir*t-Class slyle. Ialand Orders solicited and promptly attended lo. OmeE: Thorcas’ Block. King Street. Honololn, H. ī. H