Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — A Star Dream. [ARTICLE]

A Star Dream.

I The c*nse of the revolntionisfcs < is eridently getting ve?y weak, ( an J they are looking aronnd for < ways and mean» by whieh they could be able to break the nmted ( front presented by the Loyalist>. For some lime back the policy of the Star bas lieen to trv to create s a row by threats. abnses, and a 1 general line of bnlhlozing. As the Loyalists in spite of all such e!forts preserved the peaee and qnietlv pnrsnevl their road everyday,the Star now endeavors to create a division in tbe ranks of the loval citizens. aml it tries to obtaiu its end by decisively stating that tbere is a split among the Qucen s party. e need hardly assure onr readers that the snpporters of Consfitutioual Government in Hawaii s tand as solid. shonhler to shoulder, to-day as they have done since J. L. Stevens deprived them of self-government and tried to steal the countrv. Tbe | Star editor s dream of Royalist splits mav be very pleasact as a ■ dream. but he will wake up and fiud that it is notbing. bnt a dream.