Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — Making History. [ARTICLE]

Making History.

The ingenious editor of the Star is at his t»sual occnpation as , a mannfacturer of histort’. In last night s issne he believes that j he has made a point against tbe government previous to the revolt becanse John Good wasn t arresfced after shooting a polioe officer on Fort Street. The fact is that as soou as the news got to the poliee station a warrant for Good’s arrest was sworn out and two special officers —wellknown foreiguers--were ordered to arrest him. Mr. Good conld not be found anywhere*at that time. It was onlv a few minutes after the shot was fired when the eommittoe of safety departed from W. O. Smith’s office and reached the government building where Mr. Cooper read the proclamation under the guns of the American troops. A report of that action was imraediately made at the station house. and the different conferences, eousultations, and preparations | occupied the tirae of the anthorities for the halauee of the day. The miuor matter of arresting a crirainal could safelv be post- ' poned for the time. If it &ad beeu deterrained to onst the ! rebels from the governmenfc 1 j building and suppress the revolntion the delay in hunting up I Mr. Good and arresting him would 1 ; have been of no importance. It * is unfortunate for the editor of ’ the Star tnat he wasn t around at 1 the time, he wonld be better ! posted than he now is. The people who furnishes him with * information were also out of sight when the time for action ; arriveil—as mueh out of sight as ! j was Mr. Good when he was i “wanted. ’ The eilitor of the 1 * I Star had not arrived. » r I