Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Laek of power to pre*t twn#ed }elay thin ereniug. | * ~ . ., *■y ■ §•" Counterfeite of the roini»t«re r.ere Uken k*day. It ia b«ped that th« returua j t’rom the canary btrd t«x wili be. J 1 'eturned. The “AdTertiM>r’’ this morning i« damniog the Holohua with ’ faint praiae.’' The Uawaiian HoUl record book of the New Year looka v«ry demon8trative. A large Ietter and newspaper mail will go forward bv the Ana- 1 trftlia to roorrow. L The P. G. bftnd. not the Ha waiian’’ Band will play «t the j Hotel gronnds this evening. Consnl Milla hfts a bright, new American flag flying over tbe . Coosulate to-day. The former donkey rider, Howell, seeros to have been indnlging in restoration beta, witb a <late. He has now a new bftt. Don t forget that the lately arrived English canarias giva one ! ',of their birdlike couc«rU, to-i morrow evening. at th« Hawaiian Opera Houae.

Tbe «teamcr Mioweia eailed lor San Francisco at 2 p.m. Capt. Stott intenda to proceed at a fair vate of epeed during fine vreather. The sand bags might have b«en allowed to reraain in pnsition about the Palaee. tbey injured no one. The sp5es are the eye-Fore whieh should be reraoved. “Wherecan I get some gin' was the question propounded by an ex official of the Annexation Clnb on board the City of Peking today. Oin wae eheap bnt the holders wonld not eell to hira. The steamer City of Peking iā «till in port, although advertised to s«il at 2 o’eloek. Couaiderable freight ia to be discharged aud the ves»el raay not sail until t> or 7 p.m. Information ha* b«en received that the new uirtnager of the Hana PlauUlion, Nfaui, i* produciug go.Ki reeu:t0 Ovar 1000 tons oi sugar have already been obtained, A viaitur to one of the oilieen oe i hoard the City of Peking wai presented a handful of cignre foi I uae. Atteropting to paa» througl the gate, fbr the ten cigare he wai requested to pay a tax, hi auswertd by throwing the cigar ( overhof»rd.

Five and ten oents colleotiou» are now being taken up at the mail wharf by Custom’s guards presumably under the instructions, at auy rate with the knowledge of Port SnrveyorSandet». Cigare now rate at one cent each. Admiral Skerrett arrired in Yokohama on Deo. 9th and at onee asanmed command of the U. S. A*iatic 8qnadroa, hoiating his tiag on the Lancast*r. says the Japan W©ekly Mail. Tbe new U. S. Flag sbip HaUimom is expected early thi« year.