Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — Trans-Continal Ralroads. [ARTICLE]

Trans-Continal Ralroads.

| * The following are the Iengtbs «'f i the six Imee of railroads connect- } j n g the Atlantic aud the Pacific: Union and Central Pacific, New York to S»n Francisco, 3.315 tuiles; j i Southern Pacific. New Orleans j | San Fmneiaeo, *2,49ō mile#: AtchiI son, Topeaa and Santa he, New York to Guyama», 4,024 inilea; j Atchi»on, Topeka aud Sanlii Fe, New York to San Eiego, 3,‘2l« | milee; Northern Pacific. New \ork to Tacoma, 8,302 miles; Union ; Pacitic, 0regon line, New York to Portlend. 3.285 mile»; Canadiao Pac : fic, New York to Vancouver. 3,16t> milee. From V»ncouver City to Montreal is 2,906 inlea.