Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

13usiness Cards H. E. McISTTBE & BRO., ‘ Gbocebt, Feed Store & Bakeey, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. I MACFARLANE A CO. ' Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumaua Street, Honolala. H. F. BERTELMANN t , CONTEACTOB AND BŪILDER, 80 King St., Bell Telephone 107. P. H. REDWARD, COXTEACTOK a>u BUILDER, So. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Office Tel. 682-MureAL-Residence Tel. 287. Btll Telephone 381. P. O. Box 32 W. W. WR1GHT & SON. Carriage and Wagon Builders IX ALL ITS BR.AXCHES. 79 and 80 King Street, Honolaln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DENTIST, Comer of |King and Bethel Sts., ūpstairs, Eutranee on Kiug Street. Office Hours — From 9 a.m. to 1*2 m., 1to 4 p.m. £*£" Sundays excopted. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMBER. GAS.FTTXER COPPER-SMIT H, Ki* Hoose and Sbip Job Wort Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Uonolulu. H. LOSE, otary l^uhlie. Colkctor and General Business Agent. SVB-AGEXT for several of the hest Fire Insurance Cos. Malnal Telephone 8. P. O. Bo* 338. Memhan*. street, Honololn. WIN6 *W0 TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Kuuann COMMISSION MERCHASTS, Imp>.)rters and Deakn in '-.V-.-V. 'r? . , ’ OEN'L iIERCHAXDlS£. : Fine M&nila Cigars, Cbinese &nd ! Japanese Crock’n ware, Mattings, i V&ses o( all kiuds, Camyhonrood Inmka, Ratian Cbairs, a Pine As.sortr.ient of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Cbiuese aud Japaneso 1 Teas of La‘est Iraportations, Inspection of New Goods Be8peotfal!y Soiicited. MntoaI Tel. 366, P. O. Box 168.