Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — FOUND [ARTICLE]


— AN HONEST MAN IN THE ANNEXATION CLUB. • — M»•. Chas. L. Ca»'ter has n j lctte»' in the last night’s Star in I whieh he as a member of the i annexation club strougly objects i that body asanm»ng power to : dictnte to the government and to present nom»nations for office in the name of the eluh. Mr. | Carter voices the sentiments not alone of tl»e sensible pa»-t of the whole comrau»»5ty, but espeeialh’ of a majority of the in | telligeut membe»-s of the club. j The annexation oluh is simply i a political organization the object of whieh is to auppoii the Prpvisional Goven»meut in »ts eftorts to secure nnnexation to; the United States. Aa snch it | 1 has a perfectly legit»mate stand- I ing even if its rolls have heen swelled by the na»nes . the iiliterate Portuguese j beach-combers, tourist«. sailors, | birds of passage, criminals, boyg, and meu, dead and buried (by i proxy) but when the executive ! officers of the club presume to order the government aronnd as ' their servants. and demand a seat I in the eouneila for one of their 11 own body the club goes beyond the bonndaries of decency, and it is very appropriate and fortunate i that a man of Mr. C. L. Carter’s j| standing comes forward and cries halt. That tbe officera of the club—the members are never \ consuIted—are snftenng from enl rge<l heads and swelling with their own imaginary importamce j is a well-known fact, and of course their high appreciation of , their own value has not been reduced after reading Mr. Dole’s finishing clause in his brief to i Minister Willis.

Mr. Dole oses the following> tragieo-comic sentence; ! i ‘ Thhi answer is made not only Qf>on tbe gr«mnda bereinbefore : set forth bnt npoo of dnh aml loyalty io the brave I A men whose comraission we hold. 1 who bave faithfn)Iy stood bv os in the honr of trial anel w'hoee will is tbe onlv earth)y aathoritv I D we recognize. We eannol betray I B the s«cml tmst tbey bavo plaeeil in *.nr hands. a tmst whieh represente the eaaae of Christian l civili£ation in the interests of iha | whole people of these islands. 0 Alter that we don‘t believe that j

•oybody eae wonder at th« { aiiitada of tho clnb, bnt we moat i express onr complimenta to Mr. ■ Cariar for his attempt to eheek tha nnmitigated conce»t of that | wealthy (!) intelligent (!!) and ! respectable (!!’) organization.