Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

>5 HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co; PUBLISHF.RS OF THE “ HAWAll • * HŌLOMUA,” 4 Jonrnttl issited Daily, (Smulny cic6pted) In the English langaage. and pledged in policy to support tbe Riqhts and PaEmEOEa of the Hawaiian Peoplk, the interests of the laboring men. and good and bonest Government for tbe whole eountrv. ALSO OF THE "Hawaii Halomua )) A Jornal I«H«ed Weekly in the Hawaiian Lanfruage, WITH Xhe Lare:est CircuIation Of any peper publiehed io the Hawaiiaa l»laod* Job Printers AU Books and Job Prjntinq oeatly exeentad at ahort ooUee and at moderate fignras. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS. CARDS, POSTBR». ete.. Fioiahed in First-Claaa atyle. i$Uod <>vders ao)icited aod promptlv atieodad to. Orwum : Thomaa k B)ock, Kiug StrMt, Honoialo, H 1. r - l