Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — IN HARD LUCK. [ARTICLE]


Mr Walter GK Smith still ont in the Cold. At yesterday’s meeting of the cooncils. the Attorney General read a eommonieaiion in whieh Mr. T. Murray on behalf of the Secret League ordered the conncils to fill an eventnal vacancy in their merabership with Mr. W. G. Smith. As there was no vacancy Mr. Murray’s order was pigeon holed. The expeeted demand from theanuexation clnb didn’t materialize and Mr. Smith’s organ last uight bewails that some one, vejv ; I bad mau, bad spirited it away. It had been hopeil in radical circles that Mr. John Ena would resign. but that great councillor says that he will stand and fall, presumably to the last, with the government aud that he will be— say an angel, before he resigns his seat in favor of the Star man. The next hoped-for vacancy should occur, according to Star ealeulations, when Mr. Hatcb was made Minister of Foreign Atfairs. Unfortunately for the ehaneea of the “New York Legislator ’ of Sau Diego farae Hatch leaves for Sau Francisco to-morrow, and when he returus the prospects are that there will be no necessitv for any Councils or Cou If thore is Mr. W. N. Armstrong will presumbly take the Foreign Olliee as we never ean believe that Mr. Hatcb would give np his lucrative j»ractice for a cabinet positiou, aud it would hardly be m accord with the dignity of a Minister of foreign affairs to appear iu the poliee conrt on a twenty-five dol!ars fee, aud defend some Ghinaman who had violated the laws of the governmeut whieh his defending attorney represented. There is one amosing point in the bnsiness, and that is tbe seriousuess witb whieh the annexation club presents oue resolutidn—when it ean be found—and the Secret League auother as if they were two separate bodies while tbe fact is that all the members of the “Leagoe’’ are merabers of the olub, and therefoie, virtoally “re8oIute” themselves twice. The efiect will be sroali tboogh. Mr. Smitb wili have to be satisfied by going to the eonneil as a reporter—and also by being a partner of the only £mmeluth.