Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 January 1894 — WRONGLY RUN IN. [ARTICLE]


— How An At>nsed Honseholder was Served. Mr. Harry Luning who proclaims himself a devoted follower of those uow iu power had a rather unpleasaut experience this ahemoou, and whieh iucluded his reooiving a severe bodily puuishmeut aud also beiug rau iu by some of Hitchcock’a battoned aud buttoned subordiuates. As related by au eyewituess, Mr. Luuiug was onjoying the p!easuros of life in bis owu homestead, uear Smith’s Bridge, wheu his day-dream, iu whieh he was iudalging, was rudely brokeu by some eoloml adhereuts of P. G. polities, who desirod lo make Mr. Luuiug’sestate tbe scene oi a midday earuival. Day wasprofauedby their ribald songs aud the household objected. His objoctious howover, were very forcibly overruled, oue party leadiug with the rlght aud meeting Luuiug's oplie. A swiug, by auother oue of the overrulers, lauded on the attempted home-ruler’a left temple and r«ised a goose egg. Mr. Luuiug althoogh baugedaud beat- | eu manifuliy blow his whuUe; tho polioe arrived and. sad to aay, Mr Harrv Luning, tbe defeuder of his castle, was dragged to Ihe Merchaut stroet Bastile. A veil U drawu over what |v&ssed but the poliee e&u explain.