Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISHERS 0F THE “ HAWAII • • HOLOMUA,” A. Jonrnal issued I)aily, (Stmday excepted) In the English langaage, and pledged'in policy to snpport the Rioht8 and Pbetileoes of the Hawaiian People, the interests of the laboring men, and good aud honest Qovernment for the whole country. ALSO OF THE f f Ha"waii Hūlanma/ A Jornal Issued Weekly in tlie Hawaiian Langnage, WITH The Largest Circulation Of any paper publiahed in the Hawaiian lslan<ls. JOB PRINTERS AU Boora and Job PnumKO neatly ©xecuted at short notice and at moderate fignres. BILL HEADS, CABD8, LETTEB H£ADS, POSTEB8, etc., Finished in First-Claas style. Ordecs solicited acd promptiy attended lo. Omo*: Tkomu’ Bloek. Kiog Honolola, H. L