Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A d vei*tisements W.'S. LUCE Wixi© and Spirit Merchant C*mpbell Fire~proof Biock, ST- HONOLULU .= 1 1 CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commis?ion Merchant, ] SPDCI.VLTIĪS: 1. k P. Co*te’ Tlrf>d Josu Brocts' Miehine Tbx«ftd 1 ■B*rbonr’3 Linen Tbre*d Pears' So«p P. O. Box 3M. Matnal Tekphone 336 j 13 KaahnmAnu Str««I. i LEWiS & C0. Whoiesale and Retail 6rocers AND PJROYISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every Ban Franciaco Steamer. Salt Salmon dī Baruels A SrECIALTT. m iii Fort St. , Honolulu . Tel. 240, P. O. Dox 297. Lon g Branch BATH ING Establishment. Tbis First-class Bathing Eesort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is ■ the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minntes. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. Chas. T. Ouliek NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oaho. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracte. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oaho. . 1. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of Pm A Scorr’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Borlington Route. Hsal Mer aii G-:aeral iieil Bell Tel. 318; Mul Tel. 139; P. O*Box 115. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHAN1 Street, Honolulu, H. L