Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THS Pmnal Govemn OFFICIAL LIST 0F M BERS AND LOCATIO: 0F BDREAUS. £xcccnvi Cocxcil. S. B. Do>. Preād«nt of the PTovi«on»l G ment &f tke Hav»iiau Isiaii<lt, aa i Ml of Foreitn Aflfalr>«. J. A. Kin*. M:slsterof th« Interior. 5. M IHmon. MlnUtcr of Firj»n«. W. O. smith. AtU>ra«y-OeneraI. AdvL'Ory Cocxcil. \V. C. Wii<ler, V|«v fTosfdent of the Pror1 Uorerument of the Hawailaa !«l*n i*. John Emn £. P. T< W. F. Ilenrv Water A. \ F. m. : C. Bo!te. ('eeil Brvnvū, Johit Nott, John Eaa, James F. Morgan, Ed.:»ihr. Ju*. P. MenUonea. ('ha#. T. Rodgers, Couuciis. Secretarr F„r. and Stpekme Cocet. Hon. A. F. Judd. Chlef Iustice Hon. R. F. Bickertou, Flnt As*ociate Jum Hon. W. F. FTe«r. Seoond AstM>cUte Justlc Hcnrr Smith. Chief < Ierk. • Oeo. Lup s. Heputy <'lerk. C. F. Pelerson,Ser’md l»eputr CIerk. J. Walter Joucs, Stenographe’r. ClKCUIT Jl'OUES. Pinil Circnit: j'J' £ Oahu Seoond Clrcult: (Maul) A. S. Kepoikal. Thinlaud Kourth CircuiL«; (Hawaii)S. L. Fiilh Circuit; eKauai) J. Hardy. Offlcea and Court-rooin iu Court 1 King street. ?itting iu Honolulu—Th Monday lu Febru»ry. Uay, August and N ber. Dkpartusnt or Forei<j> ArFaiBS. OHlee In ('apilol ilMinp, Klng strec ExceIIency Saniorū Dole. iilmsler ol E Atf«irs. Geo. C. Potter, Secrct»rr. W. Horace Wnght, Liou’el Uart, Clerks. DEP*RTJtEyTOr I,VTERJOROflicc in Executive Buiiding, Kiug stre< Hi* Excellencr J. A. King. Mlni«ter of Int Chlef Clerk, Johu A. Has» nger. Asslsttt.it Clerka: Jaroes H. Boy<l, M. K. i kalole, Stephen Mahaulu, <..eorge C, £dvr«rd S. Boyd. Bcrsac or Ac.ricvlt<*rs xno Forx8Ti Pre«id«nt: Hls Excellencr tbe Minis Intertor. Wm. (i lrwln, Allan H< Joqd Ena, Josepb Marsd, :i. Commū aud tsecrelary. Chiefs or Bcreacs, Isteri .r Depart> Stirrcyor-General, W. D. A!ei.nd >r. Supt. Puhl e Work.«. W. E. KoweU. Supt. \Vater \Vorks, Andfvw Brown. lnspector, Electric Lighu, John Caa«idy. Hegl«trar of C >uvcyauces. T. 0. Thrum. Roa<l Supervl»or, U -noluiu, W. H. Cum Chlel Engin««r Fire Dept.. J«a. H. Hunt. Supt. Iusaue Aaylum, Dr. A. Mc\Vayue. Departmevt or Fixascr. OfBce, Executtvc Bullding, Klng stree Mlnister of Einanee. Ula Exceii«ncr Daraon. Aoditor-G«neral, George J. Roaa. Keci«lrar of Acee>itils, W. O. A«hley, flerk of Kluanee Ufflce. E. A. Mclnerny. Oollector-Generai of (’nstom. J*s. B. Cwt Tax A.«seasor. Oahn, J >na. Sn»w. l>eputy Tax Anesaor, W. C. We«don. Puetmaster-0«nerai. J. Mort Uat, « CCSTOMi BCREAC. Uffice, Custom Uou-e, Elsplsnade, Fort \ Col!ector-G«T.eral, J»«- B. Castle. - Deputy-Col.ector F. B. McStockcr. Uttrborraaster, Captain A. Fali«r. Port Surveyor, M. s S«nder<. Storekeeper, Grorje C. Strmt«mey«r. Dxrxmir..vr or Attor5RT-Gi OiEee in Executirt BulMtng, Klng «rt Attorner Gereral. W. O. Smi:h. Deputr Atloraey.G«Bcrai, U. K. Wl’.dcr. <’>erk. J. M. Ke*. Mar«haj. ¥.. G. HHeheoek. Cicrk to Manhal. H. M. Dow. Depuly Manhal. Arthar M. Rrt>wn. Jallor Uahn Friāon, J. A. Low. Prison Physiciaa. Dr 0. B. Cooper. BOARI> Or I**MRATt05FTc*Ment, Bii ExeeUen«v J. A. Klu. Member of the Boud«i IauRigTatioa: Hou. J. B. Ath<f*tor.. Jn*. B- Caat«e. I S. C>g&cra, Jamrs G. spea ettr. M Rotdn»oo Seereury, Wr»y Taylor. Boarb or Healiu.