Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advertisements TO HiE 1 !. Three FURNISHED ROOMS to LET on Lihha Street, Honolaia, H. 1. Rent moderate. applv to MRS. LĪLI AULD. jan 8-1 w JLm. h. dee JOBBER 0F Wines, Spirits, » & Beers. w HOTEL ST.. between Fort and Betbel s=treets. Holiday Prcscnts Tbe ondersigned beg leave to eall the attention to a Iarge assortment of tasteful and elegant Jeweln T , suitable for Christraas Presents. Hawaiian Flaa: !Pins in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialt}-. If you want to bnv an elegant and at the same time an mcxpensive Christmas Present, eall aronnd and inspect my stock. THOS. LIXD SAY, Mclnt>rny Block, Fort St.Hon«lala dccl tf Sans Snuci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. First-C/ass Aeeommoaations for Tourists and lsland Guests . SUPERIOR BATHING FACILITIēS, Private Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. S1MPS0N. oct9 Manager. KW0MG SUVG CH0NG 4 C0. Contxa.ctcr cSs E-a.ild.er l?ainting, cfec. We also keep on hand Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Tables. Bookcasēs, Mirrors, Etc„ AT THE LOWEST UARKET PR/CES • - No. 216 £iog st., Honolulu dol 3m