Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — From Hilo. [ARTICLE]

From Hilo.

The Klnan arrived tbis moru-! ing from windward and brougbt ; a large number of passengers. i ! Deputy-Attorney General Wdder, Messers. Creigbton,Doyle,Kane, | and otber geutleraen wbo bave j attended tbe session of beCir-j cuit Court in Hilo returued to town. A number of cases were • tried before tue Circuit, mūnly i cousisting of violations of tbe j liquor law. Tbe nost promiuent case before the jurv was tbe cuse agaiust one A. Bortfelt who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon (a pistol) on a Japanj ese laborer. Although tbe deI fendaut admitted the assault and tbe Japanese is crippled for life tbe Hilo jury saw fit to render a a verdict of not guilty. Ofcourse a poor Asiaic luborer bas very small chances against a haole plautation luna. Anotber case whieh gained some notoricty was acainst Antone Sarrao who was cj f charged with larceny of 51,500 froin his brother. Althougb tbe evidence waa very strong the Hilo jury also saw fit to acquit tbis defendant. It migbt be worthy of notice that the prosecuting witness is a Cotbolic Port«guese while the defendant is one of the newly mado Protestaut Portuguese. Tbe weather ou Hawaii is reported as being extremely wet. The Volcano is now vory quiet