Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 20 January 1894 — PHORCED PHORACING [ARTICLE]


Successful Raids by Gencral Scissors. There is an electrical rocking obair. Sixty j>or cent. of the carthquakes cccur doring tiie winter months. Tbe aver.ige strength of a horse is seven and a ha!f timc< grc.iter than that of a man. There is an average of 131 stticides a year among every hundml thousaud men in ihe Austrian army. Behring sea and Oook - inlet are cou<idered to be the future tield for the salmon industry. T«elve years agvi one sailor in every 1(M> who went to soa lost his life; now on!v oiie in 256 is h>st. The day of the diatuond is always but the oi>al is evidently about to have a liule nm of its own. The stone onee thought unlucky is now very fashionahle, aml i>crfcct s;>eoimens are advancing in price. The nutrbcr of rods in the retina. supposed to be the ultimate of light, is estimated at 30,(X»<*,000. In the iiuman body thcre is said to be more than 2,000,000 perspiration glands, comrminicating >vith the surface by ducts, having a total length of some ten miies. Electricity operatcs a11 the usual machinery on the fanu of a Sootch Iady in Wigtonshire, and lights the houae as well. Ttie current is generated by \vater power. The Census Bureau has issue«l a bulletin whieh shows that there are forly-seven Chinese temples in the United States, valued at 162,000, clairaing 10(D,»i00 worshippers. Forty of these teniples are in Califoruia, four in New York, iwo in Idaho ond one in Oregon. The new central station for electric lighting will be ouened iu Japan this summer. The j><iwer in eaeh case will be furnished by Pellon water wheels. All llie e«|uipment will be constructed in Japan. The boundary line between habit and monomania is rather shadowy and vague. Doctor Johneon had an irresistible impulse to toueh every post he passed. S >metimes he wou!d force himself to go by one, only to returii and gratify h;s strange wiah, A pound of rice oontains 86.00 per cent. of nutritive a)a:ter. agiinst 82.54 t»-r cent. for wheat, 82.79 per cent. for rye. 71.U2 j»er cent. tor oats, S2.97 j>» r cent. f>r corn. 23.24 per cent.f r j»tat< es. 46.U3 per cent. for fat bvef and 2J.b3 per cent. fur leau beef. It is announeeii that peiri fishing has beencj»rried on succes.-?fally m Wisconsin. where pearis we.ghing over fifty gra;ns eaeh and varying in value from 1500 tomore tuan 11000 have heen lbund, The fisberies are aloi<g the Peeolouiea aod Apple riversand their tnbutary creeks. An euterprising individaal who lives ia I>jwning »treet, btck of ihe residence of Mr. Giadstone, aays tbal it is the joy of his life to see Mr. and Mrs. Ohulalone at together. He avera thal tbey are as »)ciabie as two lovers. but he asscrts in uoquiiified Wms lhit Mr. Gladstoae appears lo he lbo home-ru!er. Al a receut meeting of the British HoyaI Society one of ihe members e*hibited some curious photograpbs pr>duced by p!acing cuins or tnedals upon a seus:tiied plale. An e!ecirical current was lume-l through the obj«rd and a deveiop«r appiieU to tne alm. wheu perfect images of the objects wexe obtained.