Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 20 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

.Advertisemonts T H. DEE JOBBER 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort arul 13ethel s*reets. Holiday Presents The undersigned beg Ieave to eall the atteution to a large assortment of tasteful aiul elegant Jewelrv, suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiian IPIao: in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian J ewelry a specialty. If you want to buy an elegant and at the same time an mexpensive Christraas Present, eall around and inspect ray stock. THOS. LINDSAY, Mclnfirny Block, Fort St.HonotuIa decl tf Sans Snuci HŪĪEL, WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. » K First-C/ass A eeommoaations for Tourists and /s/and Guests. SUPERI0R BATHIHG FACILITIES. Privaie Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. S1MPS0N, oct9 Manager. KW0HG SIHG CH0HG t G0. CorLtxa.ctor <3z B*a.lldei l?ainting, &c. We also keep on hand Bedsteads. Mattrasses. Tables, Bookcases. Mirrors, Etc„ AT\THE LOWEST MARKET PR/CES No. 216.£iug st., Uonelulu dei 3m