Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Montcn'deo. Jan. 15. —The gnr- \ rison of Bsge. whieh is being besieged by the insargents. have ! becoroe so seriously pinched for . provisions tbat tbey have been ; consuming for the last few davs | horees. cats and other animals. Hio de Jvneiro, Jad 15.—Admiral de Oania says the po!icy of the insnrg«nt# is to hold out till i help comes. They have not men ■ enoogh to hold the main land. ; The insnrgents, he savs, recap- : tnred the Government s magnzine on Ilha Ja Governado recent!y and secared a large snpply of ammunition. Rio de Janeiro, Jan 16.—The | • Minister of Foroign Affairs. act ; ing for President Peixoto. has autborized tbe represeutative of the Enited Press to send tbe ( fol!owing: “The siege of Bage by the insorgent forces has been rele«sed after a duratiou of eigh* teen davs, the sorties of the Gov.erument traops, commauded by Geueral Carlos Telles, haviug | j finally put the insurgents to flight. lt was a complete rout for the msurgents. who abaudoned their b.aggage and muuitions of war. San Francisco, 15tb.—The ; Mid-Winter Fair was opened to- j day. Good uttendauce, weather bad. Visalia, Jan. 15. —Chris. Evans and his pal are snrrounded iu the fields near Kelsey st’)tion, on the Visalia and Goshen railroad. aud were keeping up a running fight. They Die Young. So hints Anti-Tobacco in the Advertiser of the ‘25th inst. And we wish to \erify the statemen; by the following clipping from the Washington Evening Xews. Salern, Mass.. Dec. 23.—Daniel Haggerty died at his home on Boston street last evening at the age of nearly 104 years. He was born in Irelaud in Jannarv, 1789. He has been in this countrv since 1848, anel he had smoked for more than eighty years.