Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

_Advertisement.‘ JOBBER 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beer HOTEL ST., betweea Fort ai Bethel streets. Holiday The undersigned beg Ieav>> eall the atteution to a large usortment of tasteful aud eleu’ i 1 Jewelry, suitible for Chn>tm Presents. Hawaiian l^lao: l’iu ia clitTerent sizes. Hawaiiau Jewelr\l a specialty. If 3’ou want to bny an eleg-i: I and at the same time au inexj ei I sive Christmas Present. eal arouucl and inspect my stock. THOS. LIJiDSAY, Mclnfiruy Black, Fort St.HouoluL decl tf Sans SnncJ HŪTEL I , WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. m m First-C/ass Accommooa\ tions for Tourists and /s/and Guests. SUPERI0R BATH!NG FACfLITrES, Private Cottages for FamHie5 . T. A. S1MPS0N, oct9 Manager. KW0HG SING GH0RG i C0. Coia.tia,ctox dc B-u.ild.sr IPainiin^, We also keep on hanel Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Tablēs, Bookcases, MlRRORS, Eto„ A J MARKET PRfCtS No.|216 King st., Honolulu de4 3m