Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A d vertisr men t>. JOBBF.K 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beer HOTEL ST.. between Fort a| Betfael streets. Holiday Tfae uudersigned beg leave eall the atteotion to u large I sortment of bistefnl and ei* g [ Jewelry, suitable for Christui | Presents. Hawaiian Flaor ī’in. in ditierent sizes. īīawaiian Jewelrv a specialtv. If you want to bny an elegan I and at tfae same time an ine\{ on sive Cfaristmas Present. eal J around and inspect my stock. THOS. LIND SAY, Mcla«rny Block, Fort St.Hon*»luIn decl tf Sans Sūuci : HSTEL, WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. 9» », r , a : ■ *.«■ > - s. V ' First-C!ass Aeeommoaations for Tourists and lsland Guests. SUPERIOR BATWHG FACIL/TIES, Prlvate Cottages for FamilieS * I T. A. SIMPSON. cct9 Manager. KW0RC SLNG CB0NG l (10. Co33.txa.ctor &c. 55Ē“ We also keep on hand Bēdsteads, Mattrasses. Tables. Bookcases. MtRR0RS, Etc„ at\thē2l°wēs t market pr/ces No.|216jKiug st., Honolulu