Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — FAREWELL "BISHOP." [ARTICLE]


The Steamer C. R Bishop Ashore at Kauai The new-5 w.%s receive%3 here last evening bv the &teaaaer Iwalani, C-»ptain Freeman that tbe steamer C. R Bishop of the Int«rr Island S. S. Co. La»l gooe Hshore at Kaa.ii at a point aboat three milea from Nawiliwili and indications seemed to point toward the ve»sel becoming a total loss. Comraanication w.ts imme diate)y established with people, uho Lad tbe best information relative to the disaster and as a result the Holohua is euabled to state the following circnmstances: Captaiu Le Claire who is knowu to be one of the most careful and trnstworthy of the master raariners in the employ j of tbe Com|»any was the capt lin ' of tbe steamer but. a sud«len indisposition cansed him to be ( t unaule to be at his post at the time of the steamer's departare, ! on last Tnesday and thecoromand i . was giveu to the chief officer. Andrews, who left port here, on ! the departure of tbe vessel. ou I ' the 3"th inst., as acting captain. ! The steamer was fully loaded with the nsual iniscellaneous | cirgo of lumber, machinery aud . merchandise for Hauamaulu aud j Kiluaea, but had only a few passengers. The C. R. Bishop had a plea. i sj»nt passage frora port here, i j weatber pleasant with occasion-j I ally rain-showers. At midnight ! the looia of Kauai waa easily 1 ! made out. Aboot 1:30 o eloek i a. m. tbe shore being approacbed acting Captain Androws was | satisfiod that he was in the vici | nity of his first port of eall aud : the landmarks seemed familiar. : About 1:40 a he ivv rain squall i set iu shorewards and the raist coufused objects so thut t!ie captain bnt had little opportnnity | to verify his opiuions on points. At‘2 u. m. without the slightest 1 previous premonition of danger, 1 the first intimation was given, of the rocky road whieh the 1 steamer had taken,by the sudden sbock of a strike against an ira- I raovable body aud the later griuding of the hull upou an un- | weleome element, a rocky bottom. Tho officer in charge tViscovering biserror endeavor* d, as far as lay iu his jndgment and power, to overcome the d.fficultv «nd engines were reversed, lines put out, but all too late: the steamer Bishop whieh had had uumero«s narro\v escapes formerlv was now hard and f«st upon the Cural rocks whieh bordered the K iu ii j shore. There was but little excitement I on board, the shook being so suddeu «ud nnexpected t!uit, be- [ fore the situation had been realj ized, the prompt me:*sures taken for extric;»tioit from the difficultv ; claimed uttention more thau the situatiou, «ud the few passeugers being all Hawaii«ns no dread of drowning, in such c!ose e »ntest witb iand, was thought of. Tlie efforts made to gt-t the vecsel ofi'bave beeu reported to be futile. and it is with rt'gret that the good stoamer C. R. : Bishop is proclaimed to be a total wreck. The ste »mer has quite a histoiy ■ ot her own haviug b«-eu eng«ged j iu several voyages whieh had made her naiue famous amongst H waiiau v«*ssels. In tbe fir«t ! part of 80 she was eng«g«-«l by j tho Governnient lo search h r the ! steaiuer Suez then oven.lue at tl»is port from S»u Francisco. Ou that «uission nnder the c«numand ofC ipt. Caui»*ron the Bish«ipmade a V iV.»ge to S m Fr«ncisco, tbe ! Suez baviug retarne«l ti«ar * pre ; i viously. L.«ter the scbooner ! Kapiolani was st«tetl tohave been stolen and the Government aīd was again calied in and the : Bisbop sent on a searchafter her, I the Bishop heing then command ; ed by Capt «in D.»vies. Tbe Kapiolani w*s fouud and the parters concern«jd iu her theft were i charged with barratry. On i February’ last the aid of the stea i mer was ag »iu called into use by the Provis»onal Government and j gbe ra.tde a 3,000 mile trip to 1 within three degrees of the • equ»tor ou an errand of n,ercy, I vis; attempUai succor to a missing

boat s crew of the Hawaiian b»rk L»dy L-nnt«oa wrecke«l at Ki«>.gsm «n’s shoal. Caj t .:n Le €laire who tfaen had e »mm«nd, m«de a se;«rchiugcruise vis;ting Palmyra. Fannings and Washington island resulting in establishing the | wrecked of tbe Lidy Lampson, but not fiuding the boat's crew ' whieh was afterw.»rd learned to bave been picked up bya passing San Francisco schooner six «1 1\> • before the Bisbop had started on j her “errand of merev. ’ Capt»in C:»mpbell of the Int*-r Island S. S. Co, will leave by the steamer James Makee tuis afternoon to suprint-.*n 1 the work 'of wrecking oa savīng the steamer. J. M. Vivas and Fnnk Fanrei n» who have been mentioued in these colnmns as being nnder arrest for being unlawfully on the premises of Mr. J. Rennie j enme bsfore J udge Robertson 4 yesterday, for triul, aud were discharged I n |