Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ST OLD SliIPPER.s. Dftr«n Nantnckrf'« stan l to m«, Ita vrink)«d wu is, *nd brown; IVm »r? th« open s«»-srr»Tr-l moor Th»t skirt Ihe <k«r o)d u>tra. Bas drnrer f»r ite sfappers »re, The sk;pp*Ts «h<>ZQ I siag; And to mi more th»n moor or *bon Tht> moorings «here they ding. Whm ruaaiiing Br»nt Poinl on the right, Yon com« upon tbe to»a. My «kippeM, too, loom mto »•.««. Snn drW, and *euned, »nd btu«n. Tou see them sitting on the wb»rf, Where ther U*t ianm?r ul— The good old »h»rf tb»t berth »hke The se«-iiog »nd hu» c*t. Oft in that cat, «ith shee! bnn!ed dat, ’Ad*ooks! I're uiled fhe ri{«, While Qbed rolled his qaid and told Wh»t he h»d seen m ships; Of dying tixh lh»l eame »( night And ruosted in tbe tope; Of ehanol wheeis tbat fonl the Aokee When do«n an anchor drope. Thongh Red the sca «here this shonld be, The Black he oft wonhl name; Aud if ron donbted bnt the «heeL L p Pharaoh’s chariot eame! He told us, too, ho« canuib<tls Would «arerand retreat, If he bnt sho«ed his pictnted ann— And their tattoo «as beat! The «ind the «hile «as de«d abead, But right inlo its eye Good Obed talked — 1 meau he stcered— As straigbt as he conid lie' All vain to praise the paths ol trnth And poinE the happy goal To him «hose heaven ’Scouset «aa, Aud sheol bnt a shoal. Eeealmeil, «ith reminiscent breath They iill theīr threadbear sails, Aud on the «harf of aft» moona Would speak of gales aud «hales— Ho« on aome gronnd just off Japan Tbey grappled «ith t?phoous. Or in the iife of great sperm-whales Drove deep their red harp‘ ocs. Ah, me! the loitenng «inters eome, The swift-«inged snmmers go; Oue season eouie «itb joy and guesU — Bat found not Captain Joe! And now «ith ppprehen<dve glance I qnestioo wharf and wave; A buat s«icgs idly to its ehain— Ba t where is Captoin Dave ? Js it that in yon blue above These missing seamen sail ? And iuanning Argo in the skies, Strike they the starry Whale? For me it weie no sorry fate, free from all moil below, To cmise in some celestial craf, With Captain Dave or Joe! Tbe harbor light hurrs clear and bright, Bnt past its raddy glare Do sails still giide to seas outside And uo wave teli ns where? Still as of yore stretch moor and skore, Aud still I sail tlie nj«; But wheie are they, lhese skippers gray, Who sailed not heuee in ships? Chari.es He.nkt Webr. LEWIS i C0.. Wholesaie and Retaii Grocers A.\D PR0VISIGN DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON IGE By Every !?aa Fraacisoo 8teamer. Salt Sai.mon ix Barrels a 8pbciai.tt. /// Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. lilaiional Ipon Woi^ Qrm Street. B» twe».n Alakeu <fc Ricbard Sts. The dhdebsk;ned aie prepared to make ril kmds of Iroa Bnas. Broaze. Zmc. Tm and Lead Casting». Alao 1 Gener»I Hep»ir Shop fot Steam Engines, Biee Mrils, Corn W»ter Wheela. Wmd M-IU. etc. Maehine» for the Cleaning of Coff«e, Caetor Oiia, Benna, R»mi« Pineapple Lenmn k other Fibrou» Plnnta, And Paper Stock. Also Maekinew for F.xtracting Starch tron* tbe Manioe, Arr w Root, etc. tV AU Orders promptly attended to. AJHITE, RITMAN €i CO.