Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Stevens Again. [ARTICLE]

Stevens Again.

- Soine vcry ami5sing extracts bave heen pr< elueeil by tbe pubIic;«tion of Mr. Stevens’ letters i ten montbs before the Hawaiian revolution broke out, sbowing that lie bad bis whole programme ! traced ont in his own mind. There was to be “au orderly and peaceful revolotion,” and tlie Un»ted States mmister wns to be callcd in to iuterfere to restore tlie old goverument, but perhaps he wns uot to do moi'e than protect American pn«pcrty nnd prel veut anarchy. Stiil he might be asked to do somelhing else, and to be ullowed, considering that the relations of the United Stutes to Hawaii wero ( “exceptional,” to d« it, “internationaI rules and precedont” to the contrary notwithstauding? Moreover, he has inforii.ation tbut tbe revolntion was to bre<«k out b<*fore long, and, str«nge to say, it waa to be got np by “na‘tive Hawaiiaus” and a “eons;derable propcrtion of whites and h:<lf-wbites,” but lie admits tliut the lattc-r were to “lead it.’ ! His snbsequent snggestions to Mr. Foster about tbe form of goverument tbe island was to bave after annexution wou!d del'gbt FIanagan of Texas. He says tbere sbould be “a governor, au attorney-general. a commissi..ner of finance, a commissioner of the iuterior, and a eouneil of 1 thirteon or fourteeu, all to be ! appointed by the President.” i Ex President Harrisoa must bave j smacked bis lips ou reading tbis Notbing in tbis whole contr«versy eouhl be so ira}x>rtant as Mr. BUine s answer to this docn- ■ ment. It prob«bly contained tbo ‘ instructious on wbicb Steveos acted ten montbs later. but it is not fortbcoming. It has eitbor | disippeared from tbe files of tbe Slate Depurtment. or was never put tbeie, most probubly the: latter. Mr. Blaine's unfortnnate j eipenenee with letters had j donbtless made bim cautions i about leaving on record docu- • meuts c.»pable of miscoustruc tion by bis enemies. Of coorse it is a very serions offense either not to file puhlie documeots oi take them off the file, but wbo is to lilnme for it in tbis iustance —Mr. B!aioe or his persistent j foes and Jetractors? Mr. Stevens very likely has the originnl of tbe despatch, but to expect him to 1 produco it is expect bim to fnrnish tbe most conclusive evidence . poasible that be was a party to the i plot whieh brougbt aboot tbe I r<*volution, and ihis is expeciing * liilie too mneh, ev*n from an ] ordaioed raiuistur.