Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — No Use for Honor. [ARTICLE]

No Use for Honor.

— TI»e most snpgestive featnre of tbo comments npon tbe President’s Hawaiian message is the : nudisgaised conterapt with whieh the anti-adroinistration orgaus treat tbe Presideut’s regard for* : tbe ob!igations of interuational law and moralitv. Tbe idea tbat tbere eau be such a tbing as abstract rght, irresj>ective of imroe«li:tte snccess, is beyond tbeir couiprehensioo. Tliey «II profess to treat tbe Prei sident’s raessage as a confession j of em»r, becanse be bas tbe tbe frankness t« say tbat fce was i anahie to ripht tbe wrong that : bad been done, aitbough bisi jndgmeut of the wrong reraains | unaltered. The leader of tbe jingo shouters, the New York Tribune, expresses the opinion tbat in : iimiting his promise of co-oper-aiion in any plan for dealing with Hawaii to tbat “whieh is eonsistent witb Amenean bonor, integrity and moraiity.” the President “has placed himself in the way of any settlement of the real | Hawaiian problem." This is ai remarkable acknowledgroent that tbe aettlement desired and expeeted by those who defend tli3 perfonuaoces of Mr. Steveos is ihconsistent with Ameiiean

I *»onor. integritv «nd moral;ty as odee«l, niost pvrsons hav»* lieliev- : ed it to be. ( j It is weil to bare tbis aeknowle»Igraent pnt on record for thel instrnction of »nv who raay have I heen led to believe that the warj like criticism of the a3ministra ! Hon policv was 1 ase«i n{*on ī hon e s t gronnds. — P'- 1 ? i< >*. >; ?< ■' i Time*. _ Th~ Holokua d>esn t war with women «s a rnle nor do we desire to tr.ke notice of the ebulliti»»ns whieh ero;»nate frora the pens of : the female gender. bnt when tbe i .lrfwrfi«r cho<>ses to parade before the pnhlie an eff:sien stamp- d as co«ning from one of > j HonoIuln’s be*t knmen ladies. it is proper f>r ns to enter an objection and to nail down tiie >lirtv lies whieh this ‘ be>tknown lady (!!!) h»s heen allow ed spice to prolace in tbe colurans of tl»e P. C. A. ; TLe Bullet1n says; Notwithst >nding MinisterDamon’s exp a t»'io", t »l“es not seem : cle:ir that the currencv deal w»s j just to the people. M hen tlie gover ment is in a pos»tiou to assist thebusiuess community it ongbt to be ready to embrace tlie opportunity. There is no law authorizīng the government t<> tnrn tbe treasury into a broker shop. It b»s not been expl »ined how the goverument obtained tbis $50 000 <>f speeial deposists in gold, to be payable in silver. Did tbe trea«ury issue silver certificates as a discount for tbe deposits in tbe first c.»se? lf so, the cnpitalists are going t<> make two profits out of tbe money , —never mind whether they are the sarae cupital.sts iu both cases or not. The faot the puhlie is eoneeme»! in cbiefly, however is ■ | that business inen have to pay a lieaw premium for gold, aud when the governraent eouUl h ive eased the inarkt't by paying out tbat $50.000 in g<>Ul for salarios j aud bills owing by it, thegovernraeut preferred t>> make a dicker witb capitalists wbereby they are em»bled to raa ntain the higl. premium on g<>ld against the business comraanity. Will Mr. Datnon clear this i rnatter up?