Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY, «fc Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Provision Mercliants ‘JS Fort Stroot. - Honolalo Families, PIanUtions and Shij>s sopplie*l witb cboic-est European <i' .1 merican Groceries California Pro<luoe by Every Ste>mer. N^U-^O^A JUST|R ECE1V ED|fn .m .1A PA N Sev.>ral Kiml of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts m Jitlerent quahwes. \{mt A$oi 1 tiii60t of poi^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cunos suitablo for Cbristmas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honohila. Tel«fphones, Bell 474. T.O. Boi Mulaal 544. n..!3 Im iUST ARRIVED, 55 q q BHBY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STTLES, C*HPETS. Ri)qs, IN TI1E LATFST PATTEKNS. «• JH0USEH0LD Sew r insf Machines Hand Sewing Machinb.s, [y \U Wīth the Latest ImproTrmeas»"^3 PAKLOU Qrgans, Guitare* Aad Otber Meuial Ia«tnime&ta. Wines, Liquors, Beer always ox hand, and POB SALE BY ED. 90FFSCHLiEGEB i C0. Ki<u 8C. oppo. Cuib Jk CooXe'c