Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

“Toū finally aak my “carefu’ j conaideration ’ o£ tbe following cvu*nvtl ni lutt^T> “i'our action has unfortunately aronsed the passious of a’H parties and made it probablo that disturbances tnay be cre«ted j at any moment.'’ and say that you “refuse to believe that upon re-examin.ition yon (1) will feel at liberty to allix 3’our (my) official signature to such an extraordinary dec!aration.” In repl}’ 1 beg to state that I have restded in thiscountry for . nearly fifty six years and had intimate personal knowledge of i the conditions prevailing dnring the riot o£ 1874 nnd the revolutions of 1887, 1889 and 1893, and ! with all deliberation I state of my own knowledge that during such perimls there has never ! been a time when the conntry ; has been subjected to such straiu nud excitement as during the eight davs following the arrival of the Corwin.” Will .Mr. D.de honestly en dorse the above statement whieh he has raade in his “specific- j ations“ to Minister Willis? We believe that we are as good judges as Mr. Do!e in regard to i “strains ’ and “exciteiuents,’’ and we mnst emphatically st»to th»t we noticed uothiug in that line, after tbe arrival of tbe Corwin whieh in anv way ean be compared with the feelings of unrest creatc»l in 1887 and 1889. | Mr. Dole judges from his own 1 personaI feelings. In 1887 al- | thongh a member o£ a certain • secret committee. he yet had the feeling of security becanse he kuew that there was a large majority behind him. In 1889— j well we shall refrain from digging : np Mr. Dole's position in 1889. | bnt he was &tfe both ways. In 1893 be bad the goarantee of the snpport of tbe United States forces and he figuratively speaking wrapped himselfin the Ameriean flag—bnt when the Corwin amved his conscience tronb!ed ■ him and he thonght that after all his jig migbt be op and pnnish- < ment fall on his bead. It is from i snch reasons tbat Mr. DoIe judges i of the “strain” and “excitement” • at the different periods mention- j ed. Bnt Miuister Willia ean be t aaaored tbat Mr. Dole only ex- i pree* hia own indmdoal feelings t oa tbe subject <