Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POCND MASTER’S NOTICE. Sotice is herehy given to all persoas that thereisat the 6overument Poauii at Ma- < kiki, '2 stn»ye«l horses aud ‘2 mares. 1 moUleiī horse, white spot on ths (orehea<i, wbite right fore-leg and left hind leg. fullv sho«l, hraud indiscnbahle: l’Waek horse, white spot on the noae, white left hind leg, brand indiscribable. 1 Sorrel mare, white 8fot on the (orehead aud nose, bnmd indiscribable on the right hip. 1 Sorrel fiUy, brand indiscribable on the rigbt hip. • j Any person or persons owning these ani- ; mals ;ire reqnested to eome and tak<- the same I onorbefore l‘2o’clock noon of SATURDAV, ; Feb. 17. 1SM. JAMES KUK.ONA. Ponnd Master. Makiki, Feb. 7, 1SM. ICEMENT AND | (qraqitB Laid, Estim<itr8 giveu on all kimls of 10tonB, 1 CON'CHETE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. BOWi<ER. janl7 3m WO CHAN & Co. i \Ierchant Tailor lKing street, Thoraas’ BIock, uext door to Holomna nfBce. Ali Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and 5»IN„THE latestisttle. Giothes C!eaned and Rej>aired. no27 Vfl. DAYES, 1!1GGEH : *.\-D ; STEVEDOKE ESTI3(ATES AND CONTKACTS O.V ALL KIVDS OF WOEK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, wiU rnn regnUriy between thU port ind WUial,:*. Kawaihapwi. Mokaleia. Keawenui •nd Kniki oo the UUnd of Oahn. For Freight, ete , *ppty to the C«pfcūn. Ottktc; Wrth Wright Bro»., : For strcet. dee lft-tf C.T. AKANA 8]ePD5aiit īailop! 324 Nunann Street Ail Suits Ouarante©d To Fit ud in ihe L>test Stj'le. Oloihee Cleened and Repeired.