Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — A PHONOGRAPH EXHIBITION. [ARTICLE]


Mr. E. Nestor Edison to Appear in This City. — Mr. E. Nestor Eiliaon, a nepliew of the fanioos inventor is in town. His first pnhlie appear anee will be on next 8«tarday evcuing at the Y. M. C. A* Hall, when he will exhibit the latest ' improved loud-talking phonograph. An interesting programme will l>e rendered, and duriug the a miraber of records of voices of loeal singers will be iakeu. and iiumediately afterwarvls repro<loced to the audieuce. The exhibition pro mises to be a most entertaifting one aud a large crowd is expected. Iveserved seats will be on sale to-morrow at Hobron, Newman A: Co.’s drug store. An Added Trust. Mr. Preston Harrison. owuer • of the Chicago Time a, who left for Americt on the Alameda t - day desires his frieuds in Honolulu to know that he has , appoi u t e d Leigh lrviue, { onee an editorial writer i ou tbe Time*. special correspondent of the Time* in Honolnln, j Mr. In ine now represents the! Ex<nniner, Setc York Herald, and j Chicago Tines whieh requires the dictation of about 50.000 wonls a month to « stenograpber. The Alameila did not leave for the Coast until 4p. m. Tbe mail waa not late; the band playedand tbe “kids” aa naual dived for ooin. 0