Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 12 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


CT5 — ; Thr Kamehameha eehool openai ! today. Col. W. H. Oomwell trrived yetterday by the Claudine. i The P. G. Band is exiv>cted to ( play at Eiumi equare thi»evening. ” 1 A mas9-meeting of offioe-9» ekers | will be held 8omewhere toraomnv night, | 1 The Scboutzen eluh will raeet this evening. Twenty uew members will be taken in. ( The e!ectric storm proraised, < by appearances, on Saturday i eveuiug did not materalize. ( Cre<iitors of William H. Aldrich t bankrui>t are notifird to prove their elaime by the 15th ingt, Mr. Rudolpb Spreckels aeeompained by bis attorney arrived in , towu bere again from Mani on Sundav. ( ) The wind bas been pretty well ( to tbe eastwurd t<>day and as a consequeuce tbe sky is overcast and weatber sbowery. , lt is reported that tbe lately ; imported j>et of W. O. Smith is i io make a longer siay in town tban was at first expected. There was a pbonograph exhibition, ut tbe Y. M. C. A. hall, last evening, by Mr. C. K. 1 £dison. The iustrnment worked < well, tbe reconls were cl©ar and i tbe audieuc6, altbougb small, < was well satisfied. An interlude ! iutroduced two loeal vocalista ' and a cornet aoioist. ]

Heavy rain ahowen? fell this morning between 8 and 9 o’eloek and added to tbe general nnpleasant condition of the street crossings. The new sidewalks a!ong Merchant street and on other streets of the city are very mneh appreciated by pedestrians. I The tern Zampa sailed for San Francisco on Satnrday Ust sngar laden. Domestic value ?32,S57. i The artillen - of the King of Heaven made several of the lady’ corespondents. against rovaltv. ftel sick, tbis afterno< n 1 The following steamers left today for island ports: J. A. | Cnmrains; Likelike; Jas. Makee; Mokolii; Iwalani. ————— Twenty-tbousand. three hundred and fifty one dollars (?20351) have been appropriated from the i poblic funds to various Provisiou- ! al Government uses. “Comin thro the iye” is not half as pleasant to a loving husbaud as to find the nurse of j his life partner “Corain wi’ a boy.” And still they eome. The Volcano House Co; held a ; meeting Saturday moruing and placed theraselves on record as j not favorable todiscontinuing the ; sale of liquors at the Volcano House. The steamer Oeeanie is fully due here frora Yokohama. It is aurraised that rough weatber off the Japan coast has delayed her. 1 Mails leave by her for San ; Francisco. — Traraps are reported to be coming more and more plentiful. Practice the advice of the HoloMl'A and give nothing to beggars, l»ut endeavor to ideutify them for future punishmeut. The Volcano of Kilauea is re i ported to be very active. Madam Pele is probably tendering au ■ appropriate reception to herlongtirae acquaintance Peter Lee, manager of the Volcano House. The dictum of the oligarchists will soou be voiced to the originial members of the “Amenean” (so-called) Leaguo in a parapbrase of Vanderbilt’s famous. saying, relnting to public opinion, nnd instead of it beiug the puhlie it will be the opinion of the j American League, that will be d d. Messrs. Hollister »fc Co. the oldest and best known of the druggist firms of the city intend ! to evolve into a corpor.»tion in 1 the uear future, The well knowu busiuess qualificationsand gentlemanly characteristics of the proposed new members of the firm sbould comraand success. — Don’t forget in m»king prcvious eug »geraents that a very excellent entertainment will be given at the Opera House on next Saturday evening. rain or shine. ' Tho latest addition to the * PopnUr Phonograph Parlors recorxls is a repro<luction of the j voices of Col Robert IngersoIl, ! Rev Henry Ward Beecher and Col j Sanford. The reconl is most clear and distinct and the listener will receive an excelleut vocal representation of the trio of great ones. Rats Smith has not yet given up the attempt to haieh out a new Advisorv Councillor from the annexatiou rotten eggs. Other meml>ers of the P. G. body poliiie are in “lague” against him. There was great consiernation among the picked riflemen, who desecrate the Sabbath by their i sbooting at Makiki. on the eeeaaion of the salute, at noon, i from the Japanese man of war. ; The scores sbowed the etfect ' Not published tbis moruing. i