Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — W.N.A. comes in as a very useful pen-wiper for Mr. T. H. Davies. [ARTICLE]

W.N.A. comes in as a very useful pen-wiper for Mr. T. H. Davies.

Ix seeras that the aunexation club is anxious to start a n*w po’itical organization, evidently for the puipoae of counteractiug the ditfereut secret Leagues. Go it boys, the iuore the merrier. is stated that a prelirainaiy ' roeeting of leading Japanere were held yesterday. The iutention of the nieetiug, we uuderstaud w«s to prepare for a massmeetiug, uml also decide on a unitcd policy towards the differout factions now on the board. ~ The Hawaiian question woukl be discussed iu the Senate on Monday the 12th inst. Private advices from Washiug on inf>)rm us that there isn’t the slightest doubt that tho Sennte will follow the example of the House of Representatives, nnd ondorse Cleveland’s Hawaiian policy. The ConstitutiouaI Governmeut of Hawaii will thenbe reinstated. Tiif. Portuguese “mass” raeeting whieh was hekl yosterday was »tteuded by a few hundred who patieutly listened to Mr. J. M. Vivas attempt to r>:n tbe Portuguese Colony in Hawaii— an at i tempt whieh proved rather unsuccessful. What is tlio “Portu- j gvese Loaguo" about whieh Mr. Vivas spoke? We haven’t met : any “prominent Portuguese yet who kuows auything about such an org!»nization, or who woukl joiu auy league or club headetl | by Mr. \ ivas. Mr. G >nsalves it is claimed invited the Portuguese to take up arms agaiust the Chinese aud Japanese. We are uuder the impression t'>at the 1 Portuguese League —whatever 1 it may be - would tind that thev 1 had bitten of a great deal more 1 than they eoukl ehew and would * be badly choked. 1 * A.\ amasing scene occurred yesterday morniug on Fort street. The actors were aP. G. military olheia of high rauk »nd a member of the Advisorv Council. TLe militaiy oikeial enqnired from the other “what the news waa. 1 ” he eridentiy found out, as his auswer was d - —n it. —