Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — Thurston's Moral Show. [ARTICLE]

Thurston's Moral Show.

The wife of a pr>'minont atlorney uf San Fr«ncisco »rites: ”1 bav« seeu the Haw.iinu ex hibit ut the Park, uml u:ust say , it is not dattering to the naiion. { lt is a groat pity that the oiviliz e l Chmtiaa element could not bo shown instead of their demortbzing healheu practices. It is h diagrace to both coantries to have such exbibitious of heathenisra.‘' The wind is giviug :udications of a moTe to the West whieh will, if succe8sfal, agaiu bring fortu fiue weather.