Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — More Ammunition. [ARTICLE]

More Ammunition.

— As soon as tlie Australia was | along skle this morning 25 cases ! of uinmnnilion were landed. The j j boxes cout iine;l 25,000 cartridges ! and were consigned to Ciist!e aud i Oooko aud E. O. Hall and Son. May we :isk wbv tliis tremendous j umoont of Hmmnnition is import- j jed here, and who pays for it. It ' is not likely that the two firms j referred to iraport such amonnt | i of an nusale:b!e article except it Iis ordered by the government, ; and we presume therofore that i the admiuistration is sqnandering the taxpavers raonev on what i i 1 « J .i ; virtual!y g«»es np in smoke. This is the liberty-loving. popn!ur ec 'iiomieal and wise ad'ninistrai tion of Hawaii to d»y. We have j demonstrated for more than a year to the Provisional Gov- | inent th.it thev do n>t need * oiie so dier uor one gnu or a | c.»rtridge, and events have proven 1 that we were right. If it was the 1 intentiou of tlie loyal citizens to : 1 nse vi>»lence and onst the P. G. 25,000 or 100,000 cartridges , eonUl not prevent and th»i “peo ple ’ wouhl have tlieir way. If the governm’t isarming itself agaiust , the United States it hud better i iiupurt some men to nse tlie cart • r'dges. T!iey are greatly lacking iiow. Cy the way we wonder if the amnimiitiou eame dowu ou ] iee. It was landed even befure j the ordin iry iee goods. ( I I