Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — DUMB. [ARTICLE]


I Not J. EL Blount — They ean m_v what they please «nd they ean do trhat tbev like bnt the fact remains Ov3ter* w 1' t»-k. If aayb<xly doabts om i statement, be rnav eall on the ’ ; eelebrate«i pheas:*nt— shooter W. i Cunn;ngh.»m an 1 ia>|ieet tbe cocktaiis whieh he mixes fn.>m i the material received by t »day s i Aostralia: The Anchor Si»lo< n i sets up the stutf whieh makes tbe bi!ions man woudtr why he never 1 1 tried it before. Oyster-cocktaiis!: