Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE Provisional Government OFFICIAL LIST OF MEN BERS AND LOCATION OF BUREAUS Executive Council. S. B. Dole, president of the Provisional Governmment of the Hawaiian Islands, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. S. M. Damon, Minister of Finance. W. O. Smith, Attorney-General. Advisory Council W. C. Wilder, Vice-President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. C. Bolte, Cecil Brown, John Nott, John Ena, James F. Morgan Fd. S hr, Jos. P. Mendonea, Chas. T. Rodgers, Councils John Emmelnth, E. D. Tenny, W. F. Allen, Henry Waterhouse, A. Young, F. M. Hatch, Secretary Ex. and Adv. Stpreme Court. Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. Hon. R. F. Bickerton, First Associate Justice, Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate Justice Henry Smith, Chief Clerk, Geo. Lucus, Deputy Clerk, C. F. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk, J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. Circuit Judges. First Circuit: {W. A. Whiting, H. E. Cooper.} Oahu Second Circuit: (Maui) A. N. Kepoikai. Third and Fourth Circuits: (Hawaii) S. L. Austin Fifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy, Offices and Court-rooms in Court House, King >trett. Sittlnif in Ilonolulu—The tir>t Mo<idrfj in Febru irv, May, Augusland Ncvemtor. DKrAl‘.TMENT or FokEI<-.5 AFFAIRS. Of!!ee In C'pitot Bui'di (f, K1«b str“of. His Exeell“ iey Sit(.i >rd it. Do e, 'Un:sterof Eoreigu .Vfr.iini. iieo. C. P<)tter. S«er.‘t ry. >V. ilor<ace Wright, Lioael Hart. Clerk.s. DEPARntESTOF lNTERiOIl0C5ee in Execntive !5niidiii?, King streef. Iīis Exeei!eney J. A. King, Minister of Interior. Chief Cler». Joh i A. H*s.- airer. Assistu.it Clerks: Jmnes H. lk>yd. M. K K«ohot«Io!e. Stephen Mahaulu, Ceorse C. Kos>. E<iwi. rd S. Boyd. Bl’RElC OF AGR!CCLTCHK ASD F0BB8TBT. Pre»ident: His Exce!5enev tte Minister of r. Wm. G : ■ . \ . . R J.ihn Eim. J >acph ltjrsden, Coininis-iouer »nd 8ecretary. CllIKFS OF BC8EaCS. l?trERIOR DEPARTJIE!rT. Surveyor-Getiera!. W. D. A ! exander. Supt. Pnhl p VVorks. W. H. Kowell. . Supt. Water W-Tk«. Andre« Browo. Inspe*-tor, E1eetrte f.ights. John Cas.<idjr. K< gi«trar <f C nv<'V:i;rr,*'. T. <,. Thrnm. R.x..i S‘u*»rvi«<<r. II nol.iui, W. H , ’iri rai'>e«. Chief Enriiie< r Fire Dept.. Jo.«. H. HnnL s<ipt. Insane A«yiuul, I>r. A. McW*yae. Departmest or F{5axce. O;tloe, Exeoutive BuiMing. King «treet, Minister of PiiiH.iee. His Excellcncy S M. U^mon. Andit T-Generrt’, G«onre J. R «s. Reai.«lr. r <»f Aeccunt». W. G. v«h!ey. 1 ierk <<f Fl'i-i: ee Olhee, E, A. Melnerny. Coi eetor-G 'ner.il <>f C is!oin. J », B. Ca»tle. T«t A -"«'.r. ii ih l. .1 •«;•. Sh « , Wepatv T«x '. ««,•«« >p. w . e. Weedon. Po»tn.««t«-r.<«juer>ii. J. Mort o..t. Cc«t.‘Xs Bciieac. Oāiee, Custom Hou.«e. F«plar#ad •, Fort «treet-Coiieetor-Genenil. J*«. B. < >_«Ue. Depnty-Co’.eet->r K. B. MeSt ■eker. Hxrbor.na»ter. Ca;<Uin A. Pu!ler. Port Si;rveyor. M. M -,i: *-r< St reteep- r. <jeorge C. Stralemeyer. *ī)EPAOTXEVr OP AnORVET GEXEHAI_ OfBee In Exeentivc BtilMlng. Kin? »treef. Altnrn*yOnenk W. O. « m ttn Depaty At: >raey.Generk!. <j. K. WBdar. n< r’s. J. M. Jtea. Manhai. K. G. Hitche>»ek. < Krk to M r»h»l. H. M D<>w. Depnty Har*h.>!. Arthor M. Brown. JaQor 0«lin Pri»on. J. la». Prison Pliy«icUu, I>r. C. B. Oj*>per. B>»au» or lxiisiumi. Pr j »ld“nt, Hi« Excel!eaey J. A. Klnx. | Mra!ef o| the P«wr>l <rf iia:o:r-a! > i: uon. J. B. Atherton. J *. B. (’««!>, Hon. A. 8. C • «t» ra. ;»aM» <j, Sp,t>cef. Mark P. Kohiu» n. > Seexet«ry. » ray T»y!or. Bo»u> or Uealth. (MEee ia xpouud» <>f Court H <i<e EuiMinp. eor:«.r <rf MiUiaoi aniQite.ni »trve:«- * Memia'P» Dp. D»t, Dt. M:n-r, Dr. Andrew», J. T. ‘ Walephooae Jr . John E.-n. Th*o. P. Umhl aad Atteraey (jeneni Stnilh. Pre»tdent—Hon. W. O 8mlth. SeeTrtarr~Cha». W !rox. E««enrive Qfker—C- B. Ke»noid«. ln_«reetor «• d Mana«eru< Garfaagc 9errlcc L, L La Pleppe. Inspeet »r —G. W. t Job«. P=tt Phy«ieia -, Dr.O. B. Andrew». Dispen«āry, Dr. M. W, HowanL Lepep seUiea»edt, Dp. E. K. Otiv«r. Boau> or Esrcttios. Cotut Hoaae BcrMir;g. King r!reet. Presidcnt, Hon. C. K- Kiahop. Seeretary. W. ’imn S-ajth. • ltspeei rof neaooi», A. T. Alkimon. s Distbjct Coc»r. Pofi« st»tioo BatMins, Merriunt «reet A, C. M- H»!<r1jaa, H>r.»trtte. Jamfa»A 1 fa,.atprt>!;, Cstra