Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — A Monopolist. [ARTICLE]

A Monopolist.

Mr. Tl>nrston has a«U1resseil an »aJiouco of a Metho«list ehon-h in '»Vashington. He s:\iil that all the tronble in Hawaii was dne ito foreigners, (we believe hira) |but that he boped tbat anneia- ; tion wonld be finally secured throngh t!ie help of theAlmigbty and the Americ »n people. If we Temember rightly Mr. Tfanrstou spoke somewhat differently during the last legis’atore, where he said thai he wouM join hands with tbe devi’ if he eoo d gain n point. A toa < who has got a mouopolv ou the A!mighty, the devil, the American people, tbe volcano and the midwinter fair is not to sneezed at.