Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The Oonneile met yesterd*v for a l rief period in open session. Bisbop and Co., ran in a petition, by aid of one of their firm, to obtain $3.043,69; resolations passed en an illegal day (Sunday) were received and piaced on file; Mrs Gertz petition for remission fine of her hnsband was referred, and a peiHion from CbineM tbai th« noiorioo« Kum

Wnn he |»r1oned and his passag« paid oat ef tbe coantry. tras referred.

Coxsn>EXABLE spccnlation is inda1geti in as to wbether C. RBishop will t*ke back tbe crown wh;ch overt‘ ps tbe palatial residence. whieh an Hawaiian prinpresented him, on Emma street, or whetber he will Iet īt remaic in q-ta. It will co?t io take it down »o tbe chances are it will be allowed to remain. Yet by adding it to the ‘•d:me*’ mosenm ,tt S«n Frmncisco au honest |>enay might be served.

A general boycott is believetl to bave been orxlered bv the Chinese magnates aud directed against people who are ’uot with’ thera in the lieense and registration acts uow before the conncils. The “Tim Marray leagae” will ]>robably follow in the footsteps of their illnstrious Orieutal teachers to be followed later on by the Portnguese Snn day school politiciins under the leadershij> of Vivas. What a

merry war the sages in the eoaneil have started by their original boycott of people who were believed to be not with llnm. The chickens are crowding lio-ne to roost: tLo prayers of Sereno must have miscarried. 0. Serono. how conld the Lord turu a deaf ear to yoa?