Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — The Cloven Hoof. [ARTICLE]

The Cloven Hoof.

The | ecnliar fe<lal fonnation ! <f the n>i sionarr deity ia, bnt too apparent in th** of mem-b*-rs of the called Union party whieh ras orgat>ized m the Fir<t I> : strict, last n : ght. The ' T>.«er } rints the list, «liieh shows a total cf 78, nnd not one amonp thera who is. in any sensē. repres -nt.'itive < f the Pawai'an peeple, of the seatiracnts of the roasses or of avy other element except Ihe two faction« of office-holders ai>d “mis.sionsries," shop-keep*?rs tevell ng in the cnstom of the P. n.; offiee-hohlcrs. \rtio expect t<’ pocket a rnonth’s salary today; a f<-w cl>r'»nic app1icnnt,s forgovem i»cnt sapport, in defa»lt of abilitv to support theroselves; that mach-nurse<l wani of two govern mcnts. —Mr. H. W. S<*verouce; o<1 Pa Whitney. of the ’ Tiser< — -<< feeble in ev< rvthing oxcept the 'ii kinp of fat povernment eou- • acts; a few briefless barristers, Ihe »snal eontinp< nt of the Casfle family, and so>»e of the roouuied l’oliee and other *'army men,’, complete tho list. It sin>p!y represents one of ti:e j*crennial missi<>n »ry sche!nes to caj>tnre a party organization, and ietain contr<)J of it long en >ngli to carry on tho eleelion, »s was uone iu 1887. 1he l’EOPLE, nnd «11 who distrust raissionan’ methnds, as well • s all who object to being used as c;ij>pers to retain in j>Iace au a my of office-holdera, in whoin thoy l>;ive no j)orsonnl iuterest wi 11 do well t<> givo tbe Union l'nrt>i a wide berth.