Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Competition. [ARTICLE]


Thero aro sorao prospeots that a 8yUkliciteof Chinoso, will iinport the neoes«an' maehinen' and start an ifactory iu opposition t > the monopoly now supplving the townwith ioe Theontrageons manner in whioh the presont ieeworks are l>eing con lucte ! :nd th.» advantage iaken by the ma nageuieut throngh being the only one i i the field has become so notorious that everybody will hail the establisbraent of a new euterpriso v\ ith satisfaction. loe has l»ecomo a neoessity here and the | rosent eompany knows it aml it tak< s foll dvanUge of its knowled r e. Many |\eoj-le will remember the way iu whieh the late King was troate 1. He was iiidebtevl to tbe ioo works. and rofuseil raore crelit. But rot alono that, tho oorapaoy also ref seJ to seil to him for cash, yes, ev n went so far wheu it was learned that tho palaee bonght iee from Hart’s iee vream parlors to forbtd Hart to sell any iee to the palaee uuder the penalfy of being refusevi iee for his busiuoss wbich of couree wouhl uiean ruin. Aud iheio are many similar instanees of the j eeuli ir business metbods used by this “cold” monopoly. Metherefore look forwar»l with pleasure io fbe opeuiug of a uew era whieh will break the monopoly an l create a heaithy competiiion.