Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The C *i u *ils m«ei this *fternoou in regu'ar session. Thcre was no meeting of the Board of HeaUh yesterday atVrnoou. ■ The «ubject o' r ees, st tuc Park, on Kamehaiueha I. Day, June lllh is being agitated. Thunder and lightuing and rain ; again last night and heavy trade>, shower« this mominii. Saturday evenin« is the time set for tbe benefit concert iu aid ofi K iwaiahao Seminary &t Kawaiahao i Cburch. The yards whieh have mangi*es ; iu are now raided in the early j moruiogs by young<ters of *‘advanced civili*alio«.” stories seems to be the latest Tiser lake, and Pet rson kuM'ked a hole tbrough the | slory regardi.ig hi* disapnearmce by “bobbmg up B» renely,”a8 uaual, I tbĪB morning.

Tbcre is still a rac«nt ch*ir in the A<ivisr»n' Cooncil. Smith is not io and Messrs Wilhelm acd I Mark Robin.«on do not vrish to be sn. The t >tes ca>t were 6 for SmitL and 10 “No;" 12 being necessarj- for a ehoiee, no elee- | i tion. No meeting of the Cbamber of Commerce ve«terdiv: no quorum. i ' —- i I Gover itnent employees are now , being paid ofl; the Usiial doud cf ; colhcters and haekmen are preaeat. The >.teaa3er Warrimoo frora . tbe Colonies for Vanconver, B. C . s aow overdue at this port. Levy has a speoi.il s.»le of hotiseh 1<1 furnituro at Lis anetion rooms tomorrow. Thc A■ i*i( r ea: L-agne mem—b< rs are ‘*h«t in tbe collarr” over the desertions fr<<m their ranke to that uf l’ne Union Club. — The doubt of a Iong eonlinuanee ■ f the present reg ; me caused a j de:nand forthe n-w postage stamps yesterlay. No single heavy purehaae» were made. Th« Lhonogrvph man Mr. St >tckle accompanied by Mr. W. B. -Vah intend to make a tour of Maui and will return to town in about two weeke. — Elections for ;tff.iire <>f CoJQpany A. of the Volunteer troops will be held this evening. Ju!ius A.~hes j at present lieutenant will probab!y ! be elected to the Captainey. J. M. Vivas aiid Professor Frank Ho6iner of 0 thu Colbge are now aesociate comraitee-men «>f a politi eal c!ub i i the lst district. Vivas is H« smer’s senior. — The ‘ boycott" is extendiug its liues; the Chineso have now intimated an intention to evade further b,.siuess transactious with Mr. Tim Murray. Souie of ti»e ,eleclric fiuid discharged so promiscuously from tlie clouds ye=terday moruing is reporud to bave struek a fence p>st on William H >ll’s property at Waikiki and smis'»edthe post into i “smilhereens.” — Thc MarstH»l’s sdeof properly ; be!onging to Mrs. Thereaa Cartwr:ght was. after many poelponemepts, c.>nsummated today. Mr. H»>;iry H.>lmes s cret<ry to Mr S .1. Uamon purchused ihe properiy f >r $2600. Thc Carlwright-Cartwright (rial is repc>rted to V*e ,very full ol life niu >ng the “j»:;psiaty’’ peopleof the city and an enterpri9ing newspaper | man has tho ighl <*f repr<*ducing Ihe evidence in pamphlel form. The d iily contrib iti<>ns of evi«lence ' ! eonl nue and the judge vet lives. I ‘

Mrs. Christie of the Boston Musica) conservatory has piven her conseut to appear this even ing at the testiiuonial benefit to be given to Mr. M. L M. Pluukott. The lady has j;iven a few privute eshibitions of her artistic TocaIizat.on and tht general pnblio will be pleased with her etlbrts aud ab lity this eveuing.

Deputy Atti>rney General \Vilder met with a Waterloo in ,hu opium case this morning. His ca>e was prosented, witnesses sworn and testified, and a brillmnt argument f>r conviction when Wellington Ashford gave bnttle by challenging the indictmeni. Judge Cooper allowed that Wellington was “iu it" and ordered the jury withont leaving their seats to bring in a verdict of acquittul for the prisoner.

A youug half white, named Speucer, has boen arrested for j ott ring aud passing a forged I oheek on manager Cauningham I of the Anchor Saloon. The eheek ( | parported to be signed by Mrs. Marv Oay of Mokuleia, aud was drawn on Bishop \ Co. Manager Cuuningbam cashed the j eheek and forwarded it to Mr. I Lovejoy, the proprietor of the Anchor. Mr, Lovojoy in tnrn j forw.irded it to the bank wbere the forgerv wns discovered. j ' . Spencer was arrested aod is oow | locked up. }