Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, l\iinrer. Stevedoi^e AVrecker. ESTIMATES AXD CONTRACTS OX ALL KIXDS »»F WORK. Tbo Schooonor MAHIMAHI. will mn mjnurlT bttwv«a ihi» port ind Wai.-Uua, KawAiUapni, Mokti!, i*. Keavenui aud Kaīki on the uUanU of Oihu. For Freight, etc , spplj to the L'apUin. Best of References—Inquire at Offioe of J. 8. Walker, over SpreokoLs' Bank. or Wright Bros. Fort Street. dec 16-U LEWIS & C0, Wholesale and Retail Grocers AXD PKOVlSION 1)EALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA SALM0N ONICB By Every gan Franoisco Steamer. Salt Salmox ix B\rbels a Specialtt. iii Fort S/., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P. 0. Box 297. CHAS. QIR0LER, Impoilei* and Commission Merchant. 8PECIALTIES: J. A P. Coats' Maehine Thread Jonas Brooks’ Maehine Threa 1 Barbour’s Linen Thiead Pears’ Soap P. O. Box S58. Matnal Tel<phcns 358 13 Kaahumanu Street. plalional inen Won^ Ql-£EX Sti.eet, Betweon Alakea «fe Richard Sts. THE UXnFBSIOXED «re prepared lo make ell kinds of Iron Pris», Broui e, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings», Also a General Repair Shop (or Steam Engines. Kiee iLlK Coru MilK Water WheeK Wind MilK etc. ilaehinee tor the Oleanine of Coffec, Castor OUa, Beana, Hamie. Siaal, Pineapple Leaves k other Fibrons P'.aaU. Aiui Paper Stock AUo Maehioee for £xmurting Starch froaa the Manioe, Ano* Roof, etc. [7* AU Orders j romptly attende<l to. |AfHITE, RITMAN d\ CO. dEMENT glDEWJ\Ll$ AXD dtiPhing Laid. Estimates given on all*tinda of i&one, CoiicKte Woi^ CCXCRETE A SPEC1ALTY. JSO. F. FOWLER. 1 jaul7 iim