Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Appreciated Sympathy. [ARTICLE]

Appreciated Sympathy.

It has been claimed br the annexation papers T that the royalists were slack in coming to the rescne and to the sopport of the w;dow of a native poliee officer who died in doin" his dntv. O m We believe that we represent the Hawaiian People, and we keow ; that we were tbe first who ever snggested to onr saperlative and ; “way up in-the-sky” advisors, to grant a pens:on to Mrs. Eanhane. Thegovernment has pnt in & ?eeble bill, promoted bv our sog- : gestion, bnt oir “Ameiiean” friends who don the blne coat or sh'rt of the American naw recognize the value of the officer. who, as wo said. did his dnty niul died from his attemnt. Tho Pkilndeī]*hia boys will join in the straight bnsiness of doing the sqnare thing to tlie w : dow. at the same time they will give a , grand, a glorions time to the amnsing-seeking citizens of onr I community. After having now nlaced onrse1ves on record (out | of jail) we will soon pnbl:sh the , coming pro2ramrae from the ship, beloved by Hawaiiana, and whieh may bocalled npon tn carrv out the demands of our loyal citizeus. The ‘Thiladelphia” boys will give an eutertainment on the 18th of tlns raonth at the Opera House. Every cent collected will go to the family of Kanhane. The ‘boys’ have called for the opinion of theofficers commanding thera and they have got answers saitsfactory to them, viz: The Admiral said “1 will attend ! and give any help iu my power, whieh ean further snch a worthy : object,” Captain Barker of tho Philadelphia with his nsnally genial feelings said, “Tliat he wonld Iielp the ‘thing’ along. Lieuienanl Loann. who rcally is the “bov” said that anv “gla • • o raour” whieh he eoukl throwover the affair was now iu electric | h* yy *ira. The thing is al( goaranteed snccess and it coraos otf on the 18th iust.